New Reality Engine (XNA)

Spring 2009
XNA, C#, HLSL, Xbox 360

Fresh Start

Naturally, version one of anything becomes a lesson in how not to do things, and it's not long until you look upon your codebase with regret as to the monster it has become.

Despite really enjoying OpenGL, I could not help but be curious as to how things were on Microsoft's side of the fence. I wasn't too keen on C++ with DirectX, but XNA just seemed to be a fantastic balance of "here's how you should be doing it" and "the ball is in your court now".

Looking at the screenshots below, you'll instantly notice a drastic improvement of the visuals compared the OpenGL version. The same techinques are being used, but the OpenGL version did not have texture mipmapping enabled, which despite being a detail culling technique, actually causes textures to look grainy and false.

This particular project went as far as terrain, shaders, L-Systems, and Kevin Boulanger's procedural grass technique.


With terrain being procedurally generated, one idea was to take it to the extreme and have the textures, and as many models as possible procedurally generated too. The end-goal would be a game engine that could fill a few MB at most, but display fairly convincing environments.

No, I didn't reach that goal.

L-systems is an algorithm that allows us to generate predictable patterns, such as those you'd find on a typical tree. We draw a tree trunk, then at the endpoint of the trunk, we draw a branch. We then roll back to the first endpoint, and draw another branch at a different angle. We then repeat these steps with some random offsets, and recurse the algorithm, and we soon have the outline of a tree.

That's the theory anyway. Add some rotation offset to make it 3D, play around with the values enough, and the results should be passable.

Variant 1 - each recursion generating smaller steps of branches.
Variant 1 - each recursion generating smaller steps of branches.
Variant 2, with more loops of each step.
Variant 2, with more loops of each step.

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